Saturday 13 July 2013

I am still determined, to be cheerful and happy ;)

Assalamualaikum :)

hai :) just a quick talk today.
im all grown up and 20 years old now.
yet, sometimes i do still feel like floating in mid air.
guess smua orang pn pnah rasa macam tu :)
dan mungkin ada jugak orang yang x pnah rasa camtu.
and salute for them. hihi :)

for i have grown up and being so many characters i may be.
now that i'm having a thought thinking back of myself.
how should i behave?
should i behave that way?
is't okay with me being that way?
macam2 ada dalam fikiran ni.
for being a geminian, it's quite tough untuk kenal diri sendiri.
as people get confused with geminian characters,
then we did more confused with ourself :)
haha. sounds mad isn't?

it says, that geminian have dual personality.
means that if u're being with a geminian.
u'll feel like being with two different person.

i've read an article about geminian people.
saying that, marrying a gemini woman,
u'll find yourself as if marrying with two different woman.
untunglah x yah kawin dua, kan?

get confused with ourself rasanya mmg x best kan?
hey, geminians. isn't what i said is right? haha
rasa cam ada orang lain dalam diri ni kadang2. hee
misteri kan bunyi dia?
tapi sebenarnya tu lah, x ada lah truk sangat rasanya.
cuma ada masa rimas gak. haha

imagine that, sometimes u are warm of character, sweet deeds and manner,
charming ways of talk to people, soft and cheerful, a happy go lucky person, very loud but in meaning of sincerity.
but at the other time, sometimes u are harsh, tempered, cold, very silent, and confused.

bila tengok drama kan kita boleh nampak suatu karakter tu.
sorang plakon tu ada satu karakter.
kan snang camtu? haha
tapi hidup ni bukan lakonan.
dah trtulis stiap manusia tu ada prbezaannya.
same goes with us geminians, haha

i adapted this from someone;

I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances."

that's all for now nampaknya.
have a nice day.
wassalam :)

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